How to Travel with Very Little Money: 7 Tips from Thrifty Tourers!
Planning to go on motorcycle trip to explore the world around you? But worried that you do not have enough money to make the trip? Well, money is always important, but it is not the only criteria for you to complete a road trip. With enough money accumulated over a period of three or four months- you should have enough to make the trip without anybody. Just to be on the safe side, here are 7 tips that will help you keep more money in your pocket and enjoy the trip without making any compromises. So, let’s get started with these 7 tips from thrifty travelers on how to do a motorcycle trip with very little money.
Constantly improvise
The name of the game here is to constantly improvise and always be on the lookout for opportunities to save money while enjoying your trip without cutting down on any crucial and necessary expenses or compromising on your comfort. The best way to do that is to constantly look for deals that are available online for accommodation, or office or teaching jobs, or online money-making opportunities which can generate secondary passive incomes for you which will give a good safety net for you to continue with the trip while making money in the process. If you are at a job that allows remote working, you might even work out a deal with the human resources Department of your company to let you work from home (what they don’t know, won’t hurt them!) so that you continue to draw a salary how long trip- a definite win-win deal.
Take your safety seriously
one of the most major reasons why people spend a lot of money is because they end up becoming sick or complacent with the need to stay safe on the roads will stop whenever you are writing a motorcycle, make sure that you are using the highest quality writing and the branded full face premium motorcycle helmet for yourself as well as the pillion rider in order to minimize the risks of injuries- which usually costs a little money to treat especially in a foreign destination, as well as to avoid being penalized by law enforcement authorities for not wearing a branded helmet. Other than that, your safety also extends to the safety of your luggage common documents and cash money that you probably will have on your body as well as in the luggage compartments. So, make sure that you are keeping all of these different things as safe as yourself — especially after completing their ride and settling down for the night at a hotel room. Make sure to lock the motorcycle with a padlock and chain and carry the motorcycle luggage boxes indoors at night.
Eat where the locals eat
Do you often find yourself spending a lot of money on food while traveling? That might be because you are not following the most important rule of eating while traveling- always eat where the locals eat- not where the tourists eat! Tourist hotspots are notorious for selling everything at an exorbitant price that might be twice or even thrice then the actual price of the food that you can get at any other local eatery local people visit filter find out more about those places either on an online forum on the Internet, or by asking somebody who has already made the trip before you. Another advantage of eating where the locals eat is that you get to know their cultures and customs- listen to the local gossip and news and get a close-up glimpse of their ways of life! None of that will happen if you stay within the confines of tourist restaurants and upscale eateries where the tourists eat.
Choose luggage that can multitask for you
Too much luggage is never good. You will either have to pay more money to hold extra load around, and if you are riding a motorcycle, the additional luggage will wait the motorcycle down there by eating up the fuel mileage considerably! So, be smart about the luggage situation and choose only those things that can multitask for you and serve different purposes without taking up a lot of space. A simple example is choosing a sprock instead of a spoon and fork which can serve the purpose of both things and taking up the space of just one! The same goes for towels, apparels, electronic gadgets, camera lenses, mobile phone Chargers — the list goes on, downloading that you need to do is sit down and find things that can do more for you and take up less space.
Keep your expectations low
Don’t have very high expectations from the journey, but never shy away from exploding to the fullest. One of the biggest reasons that lead tourists into spending a lot of more money is because they tried to compensate the lack of an exciting adventure with more money! Instead of spending money to have a good time come on do your research well and choose a destination that is known for its beauty and potential for giving tourists a great experience! A good recommendation on the international travel scene is the Philippines. You can easily ride a motorcycle to the Philippines from India because there isn’t any vast waterbody in between to prevent you from doing that, and as long as you have an international driver’s license and the necessary documents- you can easily join thousands of people who have made motorcycle trips to the Philippines already. Coming back to the topic of keeping your expectations low, be realistic, but not too optimistic.
Look for thrift deals
In every country around the world there are people who always keep on looking for thrift deals either in their malls and local markets online stop so, the market tries to cater to those needs, and you can easily capitalize on such deals yourself. Instead of getting all of your food and snacks on the motorcycle, look for such deals in local malls and marketplaces where you can get a lot more value out of the money, not to mention fresh fruits and vegetables that will Meet your daily nutritional requirements as well as help you save more money.
Depends on local stores for your daily needs
In addition to food and daily nutritional requirements, you can also depend on the local stores for other needs such as taking a bath, personal safety and hygiene. when you carry across international goods in the motorcycle luggage box, you might have to pay an additional fee or customs duty at the international borders come out even at state borders where local laws might be applicable to dissuade product smugglers an illegal product courier. even if you try to give up the things, the law or it is might still impose a fine on you- which is the last thing I want if you are looking to save money. So, just keep the bare basic minimum things inside the motorcycle luggage box and depend on local stores for everything else.